
The versions are synchronized between the Docker image versions of the daemon, the Python module olvid-bot and the Docker image bot-python-runner.

The versions follow the following semantics: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH. All elements are assumed to work together as long as they share the same major and minor version. However, it is recommended to always use the same patch version.

Minor and/or major versions will be incremented at a minimum for each change in the gRPC-Protobuf API.

Latest version: 1.2.0#


  • Daemon

    • Addition of the service KeycloakCommand with methods KeycloakUserList and KeycloakAddUserAsContact to list users present on Keycloak and add them as contacts. (⚠️ Requires version 4.1 or higher of the Olvid plugin for Keycloak)

    • Addition of the downloadPhoto command for identities, contacts and groups.

    • Addition of photoUpdated notifications for contacts and groups.

    • Addition of the getBytesIdentifier commands for identities, contacts, groups and conversations. This allows them to be uniquely identified in the long term, even in case of backup restoration.

    • Addition of the getInvitationLink command for identities and contacts (datatypes.Identity.invitation_link is now marked as deprecated).

    • Addition of the fields editedBody and forwarded in the message datatypes.Message

  • Python Client

    • Addition of the class tools.KeycloakAutoInvitationBot to automatically add all new Keycloak users to its contacts.

  • CLI

    • Implementation of new entry points for the daemon in the following commands:

      • contact kc get/add : KeycloakCommandService

      • identity/contact/group photo save : downloadPhoto

      • identity/contact get -l : getInvitationLink


  • Daemon

    • The fields has_a_photo were not filled in correctly for contacts and groups.

  • CLI

    • storage get -f: the option was not handled properly.

    • olvid-cli -k was displaying an unnecessary error.

    • group get -f: formatting fix.

Version 1.1.0#


  • Daemon

    • It is now possible to send location messages using the new gRPC method messageSendLocation (implemented in clients and CLI).

    • added the ability to encrypt communications between the daemon and clients using TLS. (Configuration TLS)

    • it is now possible to set custom options to the JVM and specifically to set up an HTTP proxy. (Configuration JVM)

  • Python Client

    • added subpackage olvid.errors to handle exceptions in a simpler way.


  • Python Client:

    • replaced environment variables DAEMON_HOSTNAME and DAEMON_PORT by DAEMON_TARGET.

    • .client_key and .admin_client_key files are deprecated, use a .env file instead.

    • OlvidBot class is now deprecated, please use the class OlvidClient instead.

  • Docker:


  • Python Client:

    • tools.SelfCleaningBot: the parameters clean_inbound_messages and clean_outbound_messages are now properly handled.

Version 1.0.0#

Initial version of the project.