👹 Daemon

👹 Daemon#


The Olvid daemon is the heart of our bot ecosystem. It is on this that everything is based. It is a program that embeds the Olvid cryptographic engine and a gRPC server. The various implemented gRPC methods allow for administration of the daemon and the Olvid identities it contains.

To install your daemon instance, visit our 🚀 Quickstart page.

gRPC Server#

Daemon exposes two types of methods (API endpoints):

  • commands: a client sends a request to the daemon which executes the expected action before returning a response.

  • notifications: a client subscribes to receive a type of notification and the server will send a message each time it is necessary, as long as the connection remains open.

All methods are described in the services folder of the GitHub repository that contains our protobuf files. The request and response messages of commands are described in the command folder. Subscription and notification messages are grouped in the notification folder.

Finally, the datatypes folder contains a set of messages that describe the objects used by the daemon. These messages are therefore used in many other messages.


We have chosen to use protobuf and gRPC to easily enable implementing clients capable of connecting to our daemon in any language.

To make it easier to get started, we have already developed two libraries in python and javascript that allow you to start writing your clients very quickly.

However, if you prefer to use another language, it is possible to use our .proto files to generate a gRPC client in a supported language. More information is available on our 🎨 Custom client page.